About me

Dr. Gabi Anja Kaffka

Dr. Gabi Kaffka holds a Master degree in Sociology from the University of Amsterdam. After her studies she became part of the 2-year traineepool of the Municipality of Amsterdam. Here she worked in the field of socio-economic neighbourhood development, as well as for the Award-winning European project ‘Green and Blue Space Adaptation for Urban Areas and Ecotowns’ (GRaBS).
Gabi has done work for the project HEInnovate (a joint project of the EC and OECD) in which she examined and reported on best practices in entrepreneurial teaching and learning in higher education in Ireland and the Netherlands. She also worked as a researcher for the Higher Education Authority (HEA) and the Department of Education and Skills in Ireland.  

Gabi has worked as a consultant at Ecorys Netherlands. In one of her projects, she helped developed an action scan for public-private learning communities in vocational and higher education.  She also managed the EU project ‘Evaluation of Entrepreneurship Education Programmes in Higher Education’ which resulted in the EPIC tool. It is a free-of-charge, easy-to-use tool for design of entrepreneurship education programmes assessment for higher education.

Between 2017 and 2023, Gabi was a member of The Iindependent Expert Network for the European Commission (DG EAC), for which she regularly wrote reports on the state of (various topics in) education in the Netherlands.

More recently, Gabi  lectured at the University of Utrecht (Netherlands) and is affiliated to the Utrecht Centre for Entrepreneurship. Also, Gabi carried out postdoc research on lifelong learning for the knowledge alliance (Utrecht UMC, Utrecht University, Wageningen University and the Technical University Eindhoven). Currently, she holds an assistant professor position at Tilburg University. 

Gabi's research focuses on cognitive development of entrepreneurs; entrepreneurship education; and entrepreneurial teaching and learning most broadly.

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